A collection of unique guitar pedals from around the world.
Category: Editorial
Class: Design Atlas—Spring 2019
Credits: River Jukes-Hudson, Ryan and Tanya Clarke (Dr. Scientist Pedals), Frances Bridges (ZVex Pedals)
*The images and/or videos presented here were used strictly for educational purposes and not material gain.Knobs & Switches is a publication that catalogs the work of guitar pedal manufacturers around the world who push the limits of guitar pedal art and express their unique design sensibilities through the artwork on their pedals.
The book is organized by the different types of effects produced by guitar pedal manufacturers featured. Each section opens with a unique type treatment based on the type of sound the effect in that section creates.
The publication also features interviews from the co-founders of Dr. Scientist Pedals, Ryan and Tanya Clarke, and Frances Bridges of ZVex Pedals. They proved to be very helpful in giving insights into the process of creating a guitar pedal and its artwork.