An underground, independent music venue and store.
Brand Design / Analog Experimentations *The images and/or videos presented here were used strictly for educational purposes and not material gain.

Sublevel is a fictional business designed to revive cassette culture and breathe new life into the independent music scene. It operates as an independent cassette store, curating tapes from around the world, and doubles as a venue for intimate, basement-style performances by independent artists.

The identity system is generative. The name of the venue acts as a blank canvas for artists and fans to express their own, individual voices in any way that they see fit. Whatever they create becomes a part of the identity.

Taking cues from the punk movement and its quick-and-dirty style of creation, the print assets for Sublevel incorporate scanned imagery flooded with color, overlaid with handwritten type to express individuality.

With its raw energy and unapologetic passion, Sublevel aims to become a new home for the independent music scene and a driving force in the lo-fi revolution.